Finding funding for assistive technology can be difficult. For this reason we have put together a little information on ways that you can find funding for your needs. Getting a Tiger embosser may be easier than you thought after all!
To begin, we would like to mention that is a great online resource for those with vision loss. Their site includes a state by state list of resources, national organizations that serve the visually impaired, and international resources for those who live outside of the U.S.
In the U.S. the three primary funding sources for people with disabilities are Medicaid, special education, and vocational rehabilitation programs. Medicaid programs differ by state which can make it difficult to understand what they might cover. To know more about your local program, connect with a Medicaid representative in your area. Special education and Section 504 are programs open to children with disabilities usually up to the age of 21. It is good to acquire equipment when a child is young so that they know what assistive technology will work best for them in adulthood. Vocational rehabilitation programs are designed to help adults with disabilities become employed and offer funding for resources necessary in the work environment. For further information about these three programs please read this article.
Once you've narrowed down who in your area to contact, then you can begin the process of figuring out what the best funding source will be.
We wish you luck on your funding search and hope this post pointed you in the right direction!
The Lions Club has been a good resource for us.